
以下翻译文本仅供方便阅读。唯一合法有效的版本以 英文形式呈现。


Chess.com 举办有奖(金钱或其他)比赛和活动(“竞赛活动”),面向专业和有抱负的棋手。我们的目标是创建有趣、专业和公平的比赛。


To play in Competitive Events, you must be an adult of lawful age under the laws applicable to the location in which you reside and capable of lawfully entering into a contract. By playing in a Competitive Event, you are agreeing to this Competitive Events Policy, our User Agreement, our Fair Play Policy, and all of our Terms. You also will be required to read, agree to, comply with, and if applicable, sign all related participation agreements, prize agreements, and other event agreements that Chess.com provides to you pertaining to such Competitive Events (collectively, the “Event Agreements”), as well as the Official Rules pertaining to such Competitive Event. If you are not of lawful age, then your parent or legal guardian must consent to your participation in a Competitive Event, this policy, and all other related agreements. Chess.com is not responsible for verifying the legality of your participation in its Competitive Events.

In case of disputes or disagreements concerning any aspect of a Competitive Event including but not limited to all matters relating to the awarding of prizes, your eligibility to participate in the Competitive Event, the conduct of any player, this policy, Chess.com's User Agreement, Fair Play Policy, Community Policy, the applicable Official Rules, and Event Agreements, and any other applicable terms and conditions in connection with your obligation to follow any instructions given to you by our team or in relation to any matter concerning your participation in a Competitive Event, we will have sole authority to decide and our decision will be final and binding upon you and shall not be subject to review or appeal by you or any third party.

仲裁通知: 我们的用户协议包含仲裁条款。请仔细阅读我们用户协议中的仲裁条款,因为它会影响您的权利。通过参加比赛,您理解并同意完全和完全地受该仲裁条款的约束。


All Competitive Events are subject to eligibility requirements determined at Chess.com's sole discretion. Eligibility criteria may include but are not limited to, gender, age, compliance with Fair Play Measures (outlined in the following section), Chess.com account statistics, such as leaderboard rankings and ratings, and information registered with recognized chess federations such as federation affiliation, FIDE ratings, and titles (e.g. Grandmaster). If you wish to participate in a Competitive Event, you must include your full name on your Chess.com profile. Further, you are only eligible to participate in any Competitive Event if such participation does not violate applicable local laws. You are fully responsible for ensuring that your participation in the Competitive Event is compliant with all laws of the jurisdiction(s) in which you are a resident and must take all steps necessary to ensure such compliance, including the federal, state, and local laws of the United States applicable to jurisdictions outside the United States. For the avoidance of doubt, Chess.com does not take responsibility for your compliance with applicable law. Specific eligibility criteria for a Competitive Event will be specified in such Competitive Event's Official Rules.










You may be required to install and use software on your computer or device during a Competitive Event that monitors your activity on your computer or device. When using this monitoring software your computer or device must meet specific minimum standards. Details regarding these standards will be made publicly available online in advance of the event. It is your responsibility to review these standards to ensure your equipment complies. This software may log your device processes and tabs, record your device screen, access your camera(s) and video, record your input and output audio, and track your mouse or cursor movement, without prejudice to other information that may be accessed by the software, provided that such information and the purposes for its collection are disclosed to you before the collection.


在竞赛活动前及赛事期间,Chess.com 可能会要求您接受身体检查、环境检查及计算机检查。进行身体检查时,您可能会被要求摘下任何眼镜或目镜,并使用相机将它们展示给 Chess.com。 您可能还会被要求将头转向一侧,用手指轻拂耳朵,然后在另一侧重复此过程。进行环境检查时,您可能会被要求使用摄像头向 Chess.com 展示您环境的布局和内容。进行计算机检查时,您可能会被要求提供任意屏幕的共享,电脑的视频和音频选项,和/或被要求查看任务管理器 (PC) 或活动监视器 (Mac)。
















Unless otherwise stated in a Competitive Event's Official Rules, you are prohibited from communicating with any individual during a match except for designated Chess.com staff.



You are required to adhere to Chess.com's Community Policy. Conduct deemed by Chess.com to involve bullying, harassment, or otherwise persistently disrespectful behavior towards other players is prohibited. This encompasses all oral or written statements or remarks, whether made in person, online, or via social media.


You must make reasonable effort to always compete to the best of your ability. Collusion, defined as intentional cooperation to cheat or deceive other players, and match-fixing, defined as any offer, agreement, or attempt to influence the outcome of a game or match, are strictly prohibited. Draws offered and accepted in-game, in good faith, are permitted unless otherwise prohibited by the applicable Official Event Rules.


If you are requested to join a video conference call, you must wear attire that respects public norms, as determined at Chess.com's sole discretion.



在任何与可能违反本政策规定的要求有关的调查中,您必须与 Chess.com 和/或 Chess.com 工作人员充分合作。如果您被发现隐瞒或篡改相关信息,或在调查中被发现误导 Chess.com 和/或 Chess.com 工作人员,您将受到处罚。


如果Chess.com或其工作人员得出结论或怀疑您违反了本政策、任何其他政策(包括Chess.com的公平竞赛政策) 或竞赛活动的官方规则,则Chess.com和/或其工作人员保留自行决定采取任何适当行动的权利,以回应此类违规行为,其中可能包括以下纪律处分:

  • 警告
  • 对局或赛事重新开始
  • In-game time reduction
  • 对局或赛事取消
  • 从任何正在进行的竞赛中除名
  • 部分或全部没收赛事奖金
  • 禁止参加由Chess.com组织的其他竞赛活动
  • Closing your account
  • Publicly and permanently marking your account as closed due to Fair Play violation
  • Public disclosure of facts, communications, suspicions, findings, and account status regarding any potential violation(s)
  • Disclosing facts, communications, suspicions, findings, and account status regarding any potential violation(s) to governmental authorities or chess governing bodies, including FIDE
  • Chess.com 用户协议中指定的额外纪律处分




如果您在Chess.com 上的任何竞赛活动中赢得任何奖品(金钱或其他),您知晓并同意Chess.com 对您的对局进行持续审核,无论是否与赛事中的对局相关,并且任何关于您获得或失去奖品资格的决定均取决于Chess.com。Chess.com 可自行决定在等待审核您的对局的任何时间段内,暂扣在我们网站上的任何竞赛中您赢得的一切所有奖品。根据 Chess.com 的用户协议,Chess.com 关于没收、减少或取消奖品的任何决定均为最终决定,对您具有约束力,并且不受您或任何第三方的审查或上诉。奖品资格可能取决于遵守特定比赛的公平竞赛措施,这些措施可能包括但不限于视频和音频监控、身体和环境检查,以及现场监控。


Chess.com不会也不能就任何奖品的税务处理提供税务建议或法律意见。Chess.com可能会向任何税务机关披露与奖品相关的信息(若该机关认为必要),包括以任意方式回应任何政府机构提出的有效的信息请求。在不限制前述规定的一般性的前提下,Chess.com可自行决定是否向您提供此类披露的通知,这可能构成对您在 GDPR 或您所在司法管辖区的类似数据隐私法律下的隐私权的限制。


You will not be declared an official winner until you execute and provide us with (or, if you are a minor, your parent or legal guardian executes) all documents required by Chess.com, where applicable, such as a prize agreement, payment information,tax forms or other “Winner Forms“ in order to receive payment. If you (or in case you are a minor your parent or legal guardian) fail or refuse to sign and return all the Winner Forms within ten (10) days (or a shorter time if required by exigencies) after receiving them, you may be disqualified. In the event you are disqualified, Chess.com reserves the right, but not the obligation, to award the affected prize to the player that last lost to you or followed you in the Event's standings. Within sixty (60) days of receiving an executed copy of the Winner Forms, Chess.com will deliver to you the applicable prize(s). Failure to take delivery of any prize may result in forfeiture, and such prize awarded to an alternate winner. Prizes may not be transferred or assigned until after you have complied with all your obligations under these Rules. No substitutions may be made for prize(s), except by Chess.com, who reserves the right to substitute a prize in whole or in part with another prize of comparable or greater value if the intended prize is not available for any reason as determined by Chess.com in its sole discretion. By participating in a Competitive Event, you acknowledge that Chess.com staff have not and will not obtain or provide insurance of any kind relating to the prizes. You will be responsible for all taxes (including but not limited to federal, state, local and/or income) on any prize won and on the value of any items or value transferred to you by Chess.com, and will be required to provide your Social Security number, IRS Form W-9, IRS Form W-8BEN, IRS Form W-8BEN-E, or equivalent information for tax reporting purposes (at a time to be determined in Chess.com's sole discretion, and which may be prior to participation in a particular round or prior to receipt of any prize). Chess.com will file an IRS Form 1099 or equivalent tax withholding documentation for the retail value of any prize or other items of value transferred to you by Chess.com in accordance with IRS requirements, and Chess.com may also share such documentation with a state or local government agency as required by law. Refusal or failure for you to satisfy the requirements of all necessary and appropriate tax, withholding or other required compliance terms (including Social Security number, IRS Form W-9, IRS Form W-8BEN, IRS Form W-8BEN-E, or equivalent information), as determined by Chess.com in its sole discretion, will result in your forfeiting the prize(s) and an alternate winner being selected in accordance with these Rules. If you do not claim the prize or satisfy the information or documentation requirements within six (6) months of the close of the Competitive Event or such earlier time as designated by Chess.com, are void, and Chess.com shall have no further liability or responsibility to you in connection with the prizes.



通过参加竞赛活动,您在此不可撤销地授予 Chess.com 及其相应的被许可人、继任者和受让人在竞赛及其他竞赛活动相关活动对您的表现进行直播、录影、拍摄和录音的权利,这包括您的姓名、Chess.com 用户名、徽标、头像、玩家标签或等同内容、声音、声明、图像、肖像、本地位置,以及其中出现的其他个人特征、信息以及形象权所界定的内容(统称为“ 外观”)。同时,您授予以下权利,而非义务,允许我们发布、利用或以其他方式部分及全部地使用这些外观信息,出于任何目的,用于在整个宇宙观中任何现在已知及将来设计的任何媒介,包括但不限于广告、营销和推广竞赛活动、Chess.com网站、Chess.com 员工和未来的竞赛活动。



You shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless Chess.com and each of its respective agents, representatives, parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, legal advisors, officers, directors, employees, shareholders, equity interest holders, directors, successors and assigns, as applicable from and against any and all losses, damages, liabilities, deficiencies, claims, actions, judgments, settlements, interest, awards, penalties, fines, costs, or expenses of whatever kind, including reasonable attorneys' fees, the cost of enforcing any right to indemnification hereunder and the cost of pursuing any insurance providers (collectively, “Losses“), resulting from any claim, suit, action or proceeding (each, an “Action“) arising out of or related to: (i) your conduct, including your advertising, marketing or promotion of Chess.com or its marks or materials; (ii) any use, presentation, display or distribution of Chess.com marks or materials in a manner not expressly permitted by Official Event Rules; or (iii) your breach of any representation, warranty, covenant, or the obligations herein as well as the Chess.com's User Agreement, Fair Play Policy, Community Policy, the applicable Official Rules, and Event Agreements.

对于因 Chess.com 违反本条款中的任何声明、保证、约定或义务而引起的或与之相关的任何诉讼所造成的任何及所有损失,Chess.com 应酌情对您进行赔偿、为您辩护并使您免受损害。


通过参与,您同意Chess.com及其各自的代理商、代表、母公司、附属公司、子公司和法律顾问、官员、董事、雇员、股东、董事、继任者和受让人(以下简称“免责方”)不对以下事项负责或承担义务,且应被免责且免受伤害:(i) 逾期、丢失、延迟、损坏、不完整、难以辨认、难以理解、错误发送或无法送达的信件、应付邮费通知、解除表格、宣誓书或其他信函;(ii) 任何类型的电话、电子、硬件或软件程序、网络、互联网或计算机故障、失败或困难;(iii) 超出Chess.com控制的事件引起的可能导致竞赛活动受到干扰或损坏的任何状况;(iv) 与竞赛活动相关的任何材料中的任何印刷、人为、拼写错误或模糊或牵涉到的其他错误或模糊;(v) 与您参与竞赛活动有关或因您参与竞赛活动而导致的任何损失、损害、权利、索赔和行动;(vi) 包括但不限于由于接受、拥有或使用任何奖品而产生的人身伤害、死亡和财产损害;以及(vii) 基于宣传权、诽谤或侵犯隐私的索赔。Chess.com保留在其唯一判断权下随时暂停或取消竞赛活动的权利,包括但不限于当计算机病毒或错误或其他技术问题损害了竞赛活动的管理,安全及正常进行、罢工、停工、天灾、技术困难以及Chess.com合理控制之外的其他事件。

通过参加任何竞赛,您同意被免责方在下述情况下无论如何均无法也不对您负有任何责任:任何对人员造成的任何伤害、损失或损害(包括人身伤害或死亡); 因接受、拥有、滥用或使用奖品、进入或参与本竞赛活动/任何竞赛相关的活动,或基于形象权、诽谤、侵犯隐私或商品交付的任何索赔所导致的直接或间接、全部或部分财产损失。 如果由于不可抗力、战争行为、自然灾害、天气或恐怖主义导致的旅行取消、延误或中断而无法颁发任何奖品,则被免责方概不负责。







要获得竞赛的官方规则和/或获奖者名单的副本,请访问chess.com或在该赛事结束后三个月内将贴有邮票的回邮信封寄给:Rules/Winners List,[赛事名称],c/o Chess.com, 877 E. 1200 S. #970397, Orem, UT 84097.