If you wanna improve look no further!! Languages: English/Urdu Coaching Method: Depends on the level of play, period of engagement...
🔔1 place left for new students in January🍀 A Fide master with INTERNATIONAL MASTER norm (IM)! I work with the students...
I shared 4-9th place in World Rapid Chess Championship https://chess-results.com/tnr1074690.aspx?lan=1&art=4&flag=30...
I am Alessandro Santagati, a 37 years old FM.I live in Catania , Sicily , and I started playing chess at the age of 11. I have extensive...
facebook.com/elbek.jumanov.7 https://ratings.fide.com/card.phtml?event=14202905
Hello. I am IM Neelash Saha from Kolkata, India with a peak rating of 2474. I can speak English, Hindi and Bengali fluently. I have...
I am Dusan Colovic, 51 years old FIDE master from Serbia. I am married and a father of two daughters. I have a secondary education...
Jack Rodgers is the Captain of the Australian chess team, a FIDE Master, a Chess.com/New In Chess journalist, and the founder of Jack...
Яровинский Алексей Борисович, мастер спорта Украины, г. Харьков. Публикуюсь в издании "64 - Шахматное обозрение". Имею опыт работы...
17 Year old Dutch International Master based in the UK. Currently available for coaching, visit IM Yichen Han for more information. Contact...