CHESS PLAYER 1999 – Brazilian Champion U142002 / 2005 – Brazilian Champion U202010 – Chess Grandmaster (GM) FIDE Title2015 – II Washington...
first game: 15 august 2017: 800= august 16th, 2017 900=august 20th, 2017 1000= september...
Lessons - RUS, ENG, ITA Dear chess friend. Here the majority are cheaters, boring. But I play by MYSELF. Please, you too. Thanks
Email: [email protected] Hello! Let's get acquainted! I am FIDE Master Artem Odegov. I am 21 years old. My hourly rate...
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GM Pablo Zarnicki. Former World Chess Champion Junior. I give lessons. My email is [email protected] WP: +5491163563851
✨Treinador com mais de vinte anos de experiência, atuando inicialmente de forma presencial e atualmente, exclusivamente, de...