Bài học

Understanding Endgames

Understanding Endgames

Stop avoiding king and pawn endgames and start winning them!

Do you feel uncomfortable about the idea of playing technical endgames? Have you ever drawn or even lost a king and pawn endgame up a pawn or more? Then this is the course for you! By learning these endgame principles you will become more comfortable with less material on the board and will start aiming for certain types of endgames. Watch your rating grow as you start beating your opponents in the endgame!

Here is what you will learn:

  • How to use your king in endgames
  • The power of the passed pawns and how to create them
  • Exchanging material to reach a superior endgame
  • Pawn breakthroughs
  • Sacrificing in order to promote a pawn!

Passed Pawns

A pawn with no opposing pawns that could ever block or capture it is useful because it is likely to promote in an endgame.
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Escort the Pawn

Your pawns can't always make it on their own, so use your king to help. A kings can effectively prevent the opposing king from blocking or capturing your passed pawn.
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Sacrificing to Promote

Is there a pawn blocking your path to promotion? Sacrifice material to break through. In the endgame, promoting is the most important goal, and sacrifices to accomplish it are worthwhile.
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3 v 3 Pawn Breakthrough

Watch out for pawn moves, even sacrifices that can help you create a passed pawn. Often sacrifices can help you promote. A new queen is worth much more than one or two pawns.
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Exchanging Down to a Win

A great reason to exchange pieces is when you are ahead in material. In that case, trades will simplify the game and make it easier for you to convert your advantage into a win.
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Rule of the Square

Save yourself a lot of worry and calculation by learning one simple endgame trick. Watch the video to learn how to tell if a pawn can promote in the endgame.
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Creating a Passed Pawn

Gain the winning advantage by creating a passed pawn. Often you can make trades or sacrifices to create the passed pawn. Always keep an eye out for these opportunities.
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Understanding Endgames

Khái niệm quan trọng
7 bài học
21 phút
35 thách đấu
Ngày đăng 12/21/2018