Tìm một câu lạc bộ cờ vua

Team Australia - Perth W.A.
Team Australia - Perth W.A. is a club that represents Perth in the state of Western Australia.   We represent Perth in the World Cities...
The Anime and Manga Society
If you like anime, this is the place for you! We love to be competitive, and are very active. So please join now and help this club advance!
Secret International Club
Pls join our club. our club is new and we need your help for this club to grow
Ciudad de México
Este grupo es para todos aquellos nacidos y/o residentes de la Ciudad de México. Actualmente este grupo participa en los siguientes torneos:...
Oleksandr Bortnyk , ( born 18 Octobre 1996) is an Ukrainian grandmaster who living in USA .He is streaming on https://www.twitch.tv/bortnykchess .
엔둥이 체스 크루
playentry.org 체스닷컴을 즐기는 엔둥이들을 위한 클랜입니다! 심심할 땐 체스 한 판 하시죠?  (리더 : 엔달인)
The Pokéchess Club
       Welcome to The Pokéchess Club Invite.!! A fun chess club Dedicated to pokémon where all pokémon...
Square By Square
You are invited to the 𝕊𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕓𝕪 𝕊𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕖 club/Welcome to the homepage of the 𝕊𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕖 𝕓𝕪 𝕊𝕢𝕦𝕒𝕣𝕖 club What does our club offer you? Main features ...
The Regal Chess School
Sign up for Private Chess Lessons with FIDE Master Alejandro Garcia at https://www.kansascitychessclub.com/lessons Chess is everything— art, scie...
Piper Chess Club
It's a club for everyone. Together we share our learnings and play chess with eachother in exciting weekly tournaments: Rapid, blitz and Bullet. Fe...
1WL LIVE tournaments
1WL LIVE tournaments is a public club for everyone.We're hosting individual tournaments, Multi Club Arenas in the ONE WORLD Lea...
Mexico Live Chess
¡Juega por México! México Live Chess es el equipo que representa a nuestro país en chess.com, registrado para competir en las ligas "Mundial (LCWL...
The FAST Club
Hello, you are invited to our small but fast growing Club. Every month a new theme and new events come to our club, in the new season, 2 new charac...
Este es un club para amantes del ajedrez, competimos en la modalidad de diario y en breve lo haremos en vivo. Compartimos videos y material de ajed...
Blue Guardian Chess Club
Welcome, Blue Guardian Chess Club exclusively for the Blue Guardian Community.    
Team Ethiopia
This is the group representing ''Ethiopia'' in the Chess.com World League. It is for all those who would like to participate in World League Match ...
Team England HQ
This is a group for the admin team that runs Team England's interests in all its tournaments.
2D 캐릭터 클럽
2D 캐릭터와 관련된 얘기를 하는 클럽입니다. 이 클럽에서는 모든 분들께 담당자 권한을 드리며, 활동을 많이 하시거나 2D 캐릭터를 프사로 사용하시면 관리자 권한을 드립니다.
Lile Koridze fan club
Hello everyone,welcome in my fan club  Here you will be able to play in tournaments which I will create.  Watch me in live: https://www.twitch.tv/...
Maya Chiburdanidze Club
 Dear Chess Lovers, Welcome to Maya Chiburdanidze’s Club!    Maya Chiburdanidze is the 6th Women's World Chess Champion. She became World Champio...
Anna Rudolf's Fan Club
Fans of Anna Rudolf and her Twitch stream at https://www.twitch.tv/anna_chess are welcome here. We play tournaments occasionally. Please enjoy!