
Learn The Philidor Defense

Learn The Philidor Defense

Are you looking for a solid, yet rare opening against 1.e4?

The Philidor Defense is a safe and difficult to break down defense against 1.e4. Learn the key ideas and plans for both sides.

  • Practice thematic tactics for White and Black.
  • Learn from a sharp attacking game in the Philidor Defense, played by NM Konstantin Kodinets.

Learn The Philidor Defense

Learn the key ideas and move orders in the Philidor Defense for both White and Black.
19 dk
10 Meydan Okuma

Learn The Philidor Defense: Thematic Tactics

Practice key tactics in the Philidor Defense.
10 Meydan Okuma

Learn The Philidor Defense: Model Game

Find the moves to a brilliant attacking game in the Philidor Defense by NM Konstantin Kodinets.
1 Meydan Okuma

Learn The Philidor Defense

3 Ders
19 Dakika
21 Meydan Okuma
9/7/2022 tarihinde gösterime girdi