🥇4xIT champ U16/18/20 DM for coaching Sheksva - lichess.org Pozzari, Simone (fide.com)
Hi, I am Luka Draskovic, born 1995 in Montenegro, currently living in Belgrade FIDE ELO: 2509(peak), FIDE Instructor, dipl. oec.,...
Campeón Nacional Absoluto (2012 - 2017) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peruvian_Chess_Championship - Olympic Player. Perfil...
Greetings to all. Yes, I am a very content senior citizen and thankful for the many joys past and present in my life (including chess)....
Formerly Akrakan USCF 2268 Last OTB tournament played in 1992.
Poker player, currently living in Montenegro. 1 IM-Norm.