
Don't care about animal cruelty? Well, you should! Every sixty seconds one animal suffers abuse. Don't think "At least they don't die, right?" because they do. Every year in just the USA, over 10 million animals die from abuse. Wanna know something even worse? Animals are tortured and killed, and about 97% of them are farm animals. Speaking of torture, what about lab experiments? Well, every year, over 115 million animals are used in experiments around the world. I know that 99% of you people won’t repost, but I’m sure the people with a heart will.

Another animal that is special is elephants, who have ivory tusks so that makes them very valuable to poachers. Between 35,000-50,000 are poached every year. In the 21st century, there are more elephants being poached than being born. There is a way to breed the tusks out off the elephants but the same gene that makes the tusks also is what gives the male elephants their long lives. What about animals in the ocean?

Well, over 100 million sharks are killed every year illegally, mainly for shark fin soup. Now, one last thing. Cages. What happens when cages and animals mix? Well, if you add in the circus, you find out that circus animals spend 96% of their lives in cages.♥══════†††════════♥
║99.9% of you won't post this. When
║Jesus died on the cross he was
║thinking of you. If you're one of the 0.1% that
║cares, put this on your profile.

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