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Hi everyone! My name is Ethan and there are three things I love. Math, Harry Potter, and You Know What. Chess! WHYDIDIADDTHATPART. Anyways, I also love having good, caring friends. Feel free to give me a request, too.  PLEASE. I bet my YouTube channel I could hit 100 friends by June 2024. "Let's go investigate the nachos." -Scooby Doo

Клубы Legends Club Legends Club 2 238 347 пользователей
The Prodigies Of Chess
The Prodigies Of Chess 1 415 пользователей
The Legends Of Chess
The Legends Of Chess 78 пользователей
Clouds Of Chess
Clouds Of Chess 222 пользователя
Hikaru Nakamura Fan Club
Hikaru Nakamura Fan Club 64 582 пользователя