Mr. Beast Club

6 Membros
0 Eventos Jogados

Hello this Is club ,, Mr.beast Club " this Is rules of this club


Here is the set of my most popular rules:

ok lah so I have here a list of some pretty basic club rules. If you want to add or change anything and have the power to do so (admin or super admin) then feel free! Otherwise, message me more rules and I will edit this announcement to add them;

Rule #1: No spamming, meaning no saying stuff that is not in the dictionary (iawfboboe) or bad words. Also, spamming means no sending out unnecessary messages in notes. Punishment: 1; Mute for a day. 2; Mute for a week. 3; Temporary ban.

Rule #2: No advertising. There is a forum for advertising, and doing it in the notes is absolutely not allowed. 1; Mute for a day. 2; Ban for 3 days, mute for week. 3;  perm muted.

Rule 3#: No threats. This will not be tolerated and if it is seen, measures outside of this club will be taken. 1; Mute for a week. 2; Report to 3; Banned from club, reported.

Rule 4#: Event Check in: Any coordinators or admins must check with a super admin before initiating a club event. 1; Demoted to coordinator (Already coordinator get warning) 2; Demoted to normal member. (No 3 because you can't make events as a member)

Rule #5: No inappropriate forums. 1; Banned for a week, muted. 2; Reported, kicked out of club.

Rule #6: No advertising this club without Super admin permission. 1; Warning 2;kicked for a week. 3; Banned.

Rule #7: No asking for a position. If you have achieved a requirement for the position, you may politely request it, but no requesting. This rule was made for a very specific person. *Cough* MrHat *cough* man18 *cough*  But applies to you all. 1; Muted for 1 day. 2; Muted for a week. 3; Permanent Mute.

Rule #8: No trash talking. This applies to teams we are facing as well. 1;Ban for week.

Rule #9: No forums should be made without permission from coordinator+. 1; Ban for a day. 2; Mute Permanent. 3; Ban permanent.

Rule #10: Be a good member!! Instead of trying to find loopholes in the rules, just go with the flow and  have fun. Besides, rule 11 takes care of any funny buisness.

Rule #11; This rule gives people who are admin or super admin the  power to MUTE (not ban) as they please. However, 3 complaints from different people means you will LOSE your title lah. (Super Admins are allowed to kick or ban or demote with reason, and the owner can do WHATEVER he/she wants to.)

You just be yourself. Don't try hard to follow all the rules, just be yourself and you won't get into trouble.




Ok, so you might be scared, but I won't enforce them for now. Maybe lighten them.

 They are harsh because they are rules for a high member club with many a troll. Thank you for Reading!

Good playing chess
