
World Cup R1.2: Leko and Wang Yue out

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Peter Leko (Hungary) was eliminated by Sam Shankland (USA) at the World Cup in Kanty-Mansiysk on Monday, after their second game ended in a draw. Wang Yue (CHN) is also out after the first round; he lost 0.5-1.5 to Alexandr Fier (BRA). Anton Filippov won both games against the higher rated Sergei Zhigalko.

General info

The 2011 FIDE World Cup is a 128-player knock-out taking place August 27-September 20 in Khanty-Mansiysk, Siberia. The tournament delivers three participants for the next Candidates tournament/matches, as part of the new World Championship cycle. Except for the final, all rounds have 2-game matches at the FIDE time control: 90 minutes for 40 moves followed by 30 minutes to finish the game, with a 30-second increment from the first move. In case of a 1-1 tie, on the third day of the round there's a tie-break with rapid games and if necessary blitz games and an Armageddon. More info here.Tournament bracket

Round 1.2

On the first day of the World Cup not 64 but 62 games were played, after Akopian and Wang Hao had to cancel shortly before the tournament. On Monday, the number of games was 61, because Ahmed Adly couldn't play. The Egyptian GM was hospitalized to the regional clinic due to sudden pains, which were caused by kidney stones. The official website reports that Adly is fine and can leave the hospital tomorrow. His opponent Bu Xiangzhi, who had won the first game, qualified for the second round. The biggest shock of this first round is the elimination of Peter Leko. After spoiling a close to winning advantage and then even losing his first game, on Monday the Hungarian didn't come close to an advantage (let alone winning chances) in his black game versus Sam Shankland. It was a surprising an excellent result for Shankland, who after the game said he had already booked a plane ticket for Wednesday. "This I have to change, and they will charge me a lot," the American said. Last year he was still a professional, but at the moment Shankland is a college student. "From the moment I went to college my results became huge!"


Sam Shankland eliminates Peter Leko

Leko, who recently returned to tournament chess after a rest period of nine months (here he explains why) , was a good sport: "My opponent was playing very strongly. I tried to do my best, I tried to experiment, but I failed." Another big upset was the knock-out of Chinese top GM Wang Yue by Alexandr Fier from Brazil. Like Shankland, already yesterday Fier beat his opponent and our regular commenter Thomas described it well:

He managed what Topalov couldn’t really do in his WCh matches against Kramnik and Anand, and what Grischuk recently (World Team Championship) didn’t manage against the same Wang Yue: break down the “Slav wall” – this particular line is a bit reminiscent of the Berlin, early queen swap and black playing ugly moves as -Rg8.

On day 2 Wang Yue got huge pressure, after sacrificing an exchange and getting two pawns back for it and what seemed like a killing bishop pair. However, Fier just defended and defended, until it was can easy draw. Gata Kamsky needs a tie-break to decide his match against Brazilian IM Diego Rafael Di Berardino. The U.S. Champion won his first game convincingly, but things went wrong in game 2: Di Berardino-Kamsky Khanty-Mansiysk 2011 Diagram Here 27... Bd5 should be equal. Instead, 27... Kh8?! was risky: 28. exd4! Bxf4 29. Qe2 Diagram Now Kamsky decided to defend the position a pawn down with 29... Bd5 but after 30. dxe5 Qe6 31. Rce1 Rac8 32. Bh4! White eventually won. After 29... Bxc1 White can choose between: a) 30. Rxc1 Qc6 31. d5 Rxd5 (31... Bxd5 32. Qxe5+) 32. Bxd5 Qxd5 33. Rc5 or b) 30. Qxe4!? Bh6 31. dxe5 with good compensation.


Gata Kamsky: the highest rated player in the round 1 tie-breaks

The same happened to Paco Vallejo. First, the Spaniard easily beat Peruvian talent Jorge Cori with the black pieces, but then lost with White in the next game.


Vallejo needs a tie-break too

There was one more minimatch with this scenario (all other tied matches saw two draws): Iordachescu-Feller. The (in)famous French GM had to level the score on day 2, and managed: Feller-Iordachescu Khanty-Mansiysk 2011 Diagram 45. Rxb7! Rxb7 46. Ba6 d4 (46... Rdd7 fails to 47. Qh8+) 47. Qb2 Kd7 48. Bxb7 dxe3 49. fxe3 Qc5 50. a6 Kc7 51. Kh1 Qxe3 52. Qa1 Rd2 53. a7 Rxg2 54. Qa5+ Kd7 Diagram 55. Bxc6+! Nxc6 56. Qd5+ Kc7 Diagram 57. a8N+! 1-0 Michael Adams had started with a smooth victory, playing Black against Philippine GM Mark Paragua. However, with the white pieces the English grandmaster got himself into trouble: Adams-Paragua Khanty-Mansiysk 2011 Diagram 36... Rbb3 Paragua misses the killing 36... Bf6! a) 37. Qf2 Rxh3+ 38. Kg1 Bh4 39. Qf4 d3+ 40. Nd4 Rxd4; b) 37. Qe1 Rxh3+ 38. Kg1 d3+ 39. Qf2 Rh1+; c) 37. Qh6 Bg5!! (it's all about the Rxh3 trick) 38. Qxg5 Rxh3+ 39. Kg1 d3+ 40. Nd4 Rxd4. 37. Ng1 Rxb5 38. Nc3 Rxb2 39. Rxb2 Qxb2 40. Qd8+ Kh7 41. Nd5 Diagram 41... Qf2 41... Bxd5 42. Qxd5 Rg3 was still relatively easy to win. 42. Nxe3 dxe3 43. Qg5! e2 44. Nxe2 Qxe2 45. Qh4+ Qh5 46. Qxh5+ gxh5 47. Rd6 Diagram and Adams managed to hold this and qualify for the next round.

Games round 1.2


Game viewer by ChessTempo

FIDE World Cup 2011 | Round 1 Results
NameG1G2Tot NameG1G2Tot
Round 1 Match 01    Round 1 Match 33   
Kaabi, Mejdi (TUN)000 Corrales Jimenez, Fidel (CUB)000
Karjakin, Sergey (RUS)112 Polgar, Judit (HUN)112
Round 1 Match 02    Round 1 Match 34   
Ivanchuk, Vassily (UKR)112 Fressinet, Laurent (FRA)112
Steel, Henry Robert (RSA)000 Jumabayev, Rinat (KAZ)000
Round 1 Match 03    Round 1 Match 35   
Ibrahim, Hatim (EGY)000 Zherebukh, Yaroslav (UKR)½½1
Mamedyarov, Shakhriyar (AZE)112 Eljanov, Pavel (UKR)½½1
Round 1 Match 04    Round 1 Match 36   
Ponomariov, Ruslan (UKR)1½ Berkes, Ferenc (HUN)1½
Gwaze, Robert (ZIM)0½½ Mareco, Sandro (ARG)0½½
Round 1 Match 05    Round 1 Match 37   
Hansen, Eric (CAN)000 Kazhgaleyev, Murtas (KAZ)½0½
Gashimov, Vugar (AZE)112 Andreikin, Dmitry (RUS)½1
Round 1 Match 06    Round 1 Match 38   
Grischuk, Alexander (RUS)1½ Morozevich, Alexander (RUS)½½1
Genba, Vladimir (RUS)0½½ Halkias, Stelios (GRE)½½1
Round 1 Match 07    Round 1 Match 39   
De La Paz Perdomo, Frank (CUB)000 Filippov, Anton (UZB)112
Radjabov, Teimour (AZE)112 Zhigalko, Sergei (BLR)000
Round 1 Match 08    Round 1 Match 40   
Kamsky, Gata (USA)101 Riazantsev, Alexander (RUS)1½
Di Berardino, Diego Rafae (BRA)011 Bluvshtein, Mark (CAN)0½½
Round 1 Match 09    Round 1 Match 41   
Lima, Darcy (BRA)½0½ Drozdovskij, Yuri (UKR)½½1
Svidler, Peter (RUS)½1 Motylev, Alexander (RUS)½½1
Round 1 Match 10    Round 1 Match 42   
Jakovenko, Dmitry (RUS)112 Wojtaszek, Radoslaw (POL)112
Salem, A.R. Saleh (UAE)000 Pashikian, Arman (ARM)000
Round 1 Match 11    Round 1 Match 43   
Bezgodov, Alexei (RUS)½½1 Shulman, Yuri (USA)½½1
Vitiugov, Nikita (RUS)½½1 Potkin, Vladimir (RUS)½½1
Round 1 Match 12    Round 1 Match 44   
Almasi, Zoltan (HUN)112 Nielsen, Peter Heine (DEN)½½1
El Gindy, Essam (EGY)000 Postny, Evgeny (ISR)½½1
Round 1 Match 13    Round 1 Match 45   
Cori, Jorge (PER)011 Romanov, Evgeny (RUS)½0½
Vallejo Pons, Francisco (ESP)101 Grachev, Boris (RUS)½1
Round 1 Match 14    Round 1 Match 46   
Navara, David (CZE)112 Inarkiev, Ernesto (RUS)1½
Kabanov, Nikolai (RUS)000 Salgado Lopez, Ivan (ESP)0½½
Round 1 Match 15    Round 1 Match 47   
Rahman, Ziaur (BAN)½0½ Gupta, Abhijeet (IND)½1
Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime (FRA)½1 Mamedov, Rauf (AZE)½0½
Round 1 Match 16    Round 1 Match 48   
Dominguez Perez, Leinier (CUB)1½ Kobalia, Mikhail (RUS)½½1
Moradiabadi, Elshan (IRI)0½½ Lysyj, Igor (RUS)½½1
Round 1 Match 17    Round 1 Match 49   
Ivanov, Alexander (USA)112 Socko, Bartosz (POL)0½½
Wang, Hao (CHN)000 Bologan, Viktor (MDA)1½
Round 1 Match 18    Round 1 Match 50   
Leko, Peter (HUN)0½½ Bu, Xiangzhi (CHN)112
Shankland, Samuel L (USA)1½ Adly, Ahmed (EGY)000
Round 1 Match 19    Round 1 Match 51   
Esen, Baris (TUR)½0½ Ivanisevic, Ivan (SRB)½0½
Moiseenko, Alexander (UKR)½1 Onischuk, Alexander (USA)½1
Round 1 Match 20    Round 1 Match 52   
Le, Quang Liem (VIE)1½ Bruzon Batista, Lazaro (CUB)½½1
Megaranto, Susanto (INA)0½½ Quesada Perez, Yuniesky (CUB)½½1
Round 1 Match 21    Round 1 Match 53   
Paragua, Mark (PHI)0½½ Parligras, Mircea-Emilian (ROU)112
Adams, Michael (ENG)1½ Yu, Yangyi (CHN)000
Round 1 Match 22    Round 1 Match 54   
Shirov, Alexei (ESP)1½ Korobov, Anton (UKR)112
Leon Hoyos, Manuel (MEX)0½½ Zhou, Jianchao (CHN)000
Round 1 Match 23    Round 1 Match 55   
Guliyev, Namig (AZE)000 Rodshtein, Maxim (ISR)0½½
Jobava, Baadur (GEO)112 Harikrishna, P. (IND)1½
Round 1 Match 24    Round 1 Match 56   
Caruana, Fabiano (ITA)1½ Li, Chao b (CHN)½0½
Pridorozhni, Aleksei (RUS)0½½ Nguyen, Ngoc Truong Son (VIE)½1
Round 1 Match 25    Round 1 Match 57   
Ortiz Suarez, Isan Reynal (CUB)000 Nisipeanu, Liviu-Dieter (ROU)0½½
Nepomniachtchi, Ian (RUS)112 Kasimdzhanov, Rustam (UZB)1½
Round 1 Match 26    Round 1 Match 58   
Bacrot, Etienne (FRA)½½1 Akopian, Vladimir (ARM)000
Robson, Ray (USA)½½1 Negi, Parimarjan (IND)112
Round 1 Match 27    Round 1 Match 59   
Fier, Alexandr (BRA)1½ Iordachescu, Viorel (MDA)101
Wang, Yue (CHN)0½½ Feller, Sebastien (FRA)011
Round 1 Match 28    Round 1 Match 60   
Tomashevsky, Evgeny (RUS)112 Timofeev, Artyom (RUS)½0½
Zhao, Zong-Yuan (AUS)000 Azarov, Sergei (BLR)½1
Round 1 Match 29    Round 1 Match 61   
Babula, Vlastimil (CZE)½0½ Khairullin, Ildar (RUS)½½1
Efimenko, Zahar (UKR)½1 Ni, Hua (CHN)½½1
Round 1 Match 30    Round 1 Match 62   
Malakhov, Vladimir (RUS)½½1 Fridman, Daniel (GER)½1
Felgaer, Ruben (ARG)½½1 Lupulescu, Constantin (ROU)½0½
Round 1 Match 31    Round 1 Match 63   
Vorobiov, Evgeny E. (RUS)½½1 Ragger, Markus (AUT)½½1
Sutovsky, Emil (ISR)½½1 Alekseev, Evgeny (RUS)½½1
Round 1 Match 32    Round 1 Match 64   
Movsesian, Sergei (ARM)112 So, Wesley (PHI)½½1
Hou, Yifan (CHN)000 Ding, Liren (CHN)½½1

Photos © Official website


Peter Doggers

Peter Doggers joined a chess club a month before turning 15 and still plays for it. He used to be an active tournament player and holds two IM norms. Peter has a Master of Arts degree in Dutch Language & Literature. He briefly worked at New in Chess, then as a Dutch teacher and then in a project for improving safety and security in Amsterdam schools. Between 2007 and 2013 Peter was running ChessVibes, a major source for chess news and videos acquired by in October 2013. As our Director News & Events, Peter writes many of our news reports. In the summer of 2022, The Guardian’s Leonard Barden described him as “widely regarded as the world’s best chess journalist.”

Peter's first book The Chess Revolution is out now!

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