
Volokitin wins in San Sebastian

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Andrei Volokitin beat Viktor Laznicka in the final of the Donostia-San Sebastian Chess Festival on Thursday. The Ukrainian grandmaster, who won both his games against his opponent from the Czech Republic, received a cheque of €20,000 and an electric bike. 

Volokitin on his electric bike | All photos © David Llada and Anastasiya Karlovich

EventDonostia Chess Festival | PGN via TWIC
DatesDecember 28th-January 5th, 2011
LocationDonostia-San Sebastian, Spain
System64-player knock-out, matches of two games played simultaneously
PlayersGashimov, Mamedyarov, Ponomariov, Moiseenko, Bacrot, Naiditsch, Dominguez and Vachier-Lagrave are topping the list
Rate of play2 hours for all moves + 30 seconds increment

By Anastasiya Karlovich

Andrei Volokitin became the winner of the Donostia-San Sebastian Chess Festival. In the final match, the Ukrainian defeated Viktor Laznicka of the Czech Republic with a 2-0 score.

The match was very tough and the pressure became so high that the Czech player simply forgot about the time in one of the games, where he played with black. In that game, the rook ending was equal and a few moves earlier Volokitin had proposed a draw... After the incident with the time, Laznicka was not able to concentrate on the other game any more and blundered an exchange a few moves later. Andrei Volokitin grabs the 20,000 Euro first prize and on top of that a big motorbike!

Andrei Volokitin, wearing a traditional Basque hat and sitting on his brand new BSG electrics motorbike, worth about 5,000 Euro 

In the B-group two leaders Antoaneta Stefanova and Vera Gonzalez-Quevedo Reynaldo made a quick draw which suited their tournament position. A few more players, who were half a point behind, managed to win in the last round and joined the group of prize winners. As a result, Sergey Fedorchuk became the winner of the C group and the 1,000 Euro first prize.

Games round 7

PGN file

We thank David Llada and Anastasiya Karlovich for their reports and photos


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