
The Big ChessVibes Christmas Trivia Quiz (part III of III)

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Today we give you the third and last set of ten questions of our Big ChessVibes Christmas Trivia Quiz. Soon we'll bring you all the answers. Good luck!

Today questions 21-30. Send your answers before Sunday, December 27th, 23:59 CET to [email protected] and who knows, you might end up winning one of the following prizes:


NIC Yearbook NIC Magazine ICC
First prize: 1-year subscription New in Chess Yearbook Second prize: 1-year subscription New in Chess Magazine Third prize: 1-year subscription Internet Chess Club (ICC)

Big ChessVibes Christmas Trivia Quiz - Part III

Before we start with the last ten questions, we'd like to make clear that you can answer your questions in whatever form you like. So if you prefer to use a text editor or spreadsheet program, and send an email with an attachment, that's fine.

Rider Hotel, Cambridge Springs

21. Many of you have probably heard of the Interzonal tournament that was held in 1973 in Petropolis, but do you also know in which country that city is located? 21A Combine the following 'chess cities' with the correct countries in 2009.
Abazzia Bosnia & Herzegovina
Barmen Brazil
Breslau Germany
Bugojno Italy
Cambridge Springs Croatia
Merano Austria
Petropolis Poland
Semmering United States

The Luzhin DefenceA question about the above cities. True or not true? 21B Abazzia - here the famous theme tournament was held in 1912, where the Evans Gambit was the obligatory opening. 21C Barmen - this tournament (1905) had an official tournament song. 21D Breslau - birth place of Adolf Anderssen. 21E Bugojno - the main sponsor of these five tournaments was a stitching-machine factory. 21F Cambridge Springs - the Rider Hotel, where the famous 1904 tournament took place, burnt down completely during the Bay of Pigs incident in 1961. 21G Merano - the location of Nabokov's The Luzhin Defence 21H Petropolis - Stefan Zweig, author of Die Schachnovelle, died here in 1942. 21I Semmering - the 1937 World Championship match between Vera Menchik and Sonja Graf took place here, in the Panhans Hotel.

Marcel Duchamp22. Of all chess players, Marcel Duchamp is by far the most famous for activities outside the chess world. Besides playing chess, the following persons have another career, in art, science, politics or a different kind of sports. Make the correct connections!
Utut Adianto economist at the IMF
Simen Agdestein electro technician
Nona Gaprindashvili minister
Alexander Grischuk papyrologist
Robert Hübner member of parliament
Bozidar Ivanovic pianist
Cenek Kottnauer poker player
Kenneth Rogoff tennis player
Mark Taimanov chairman national Olympic committee
Sir George Thomas soccer player
Milan Vidmar water polo player

Grave Alekhine23. Where were they buried?
Alexander Alekhine Amsterdam
Marcel Duchamp Budapest
Max Euwe Copenhagen
Bobby Fischer New Orleans
Emanuel Lasker New York
Geza Maroczy New York
Paul Morphy Paris
Aaron Nimzovich Rouen
Rudolf Spielmann Selfoss
Wilhelm Steinitz Solna

fischer24. In January 2009, at 15 years, 7 months and 1 day Anish Giri became the youngest Grandmaster in the world. Well, on that day he scored his 3rd GM norm; he received the title officially a bit later. 24A Who was the youngest GM before Giri, and who became the youngest GM after him? 24B Traditionally the list of youngest GMs in history starts with Bobby Fischer, who became a GM in 1958, when he was 15 years, 6 months and 1 day old. However, this list of youngest grandmasters ever (so not the youngest GM at a certain moment in the world, but youngest ever) contains ten names, and one of them is Fischer. Give this list of ten names in the correct order.

kiev 197825. The grandmaster tournament Kiev 1978 was won by Alexander Beliavsky, who, despite losses against the number 2 and 3, won the tournament with a 2-point margin. However, the tournament became famous because of something else: the tournament book. What was so special about this book?

player26. We know the player in the picture as a strong grandmaster. In Iceland, however, he's mainly known as the founder and president of the only Icelandic bank that didn't collapse in 2008. What's his name (and the name of the bank)?

ton timman27. In the picture we see Ton Timman playing against his more famous brother Jan. Below you'll find duos; eight of these duos are siblings, eight are not. Which eight duos are siblings?
Espen/Simen Agdestein John/Paul Littlewood
Georgy/Viacheslav Agzamov Turkan/Zeinab Mamedjarova
Daniel/Rafael Fridman Alisa/Mirjana Maric
Krum/Kiril Georgiev Predrag/Nebojsa Nikolic
Ilya/Dmitry Gurevich Boris/Ruslan Ponomariov
Mikhail/Vladimir Gurevich Nigel/Philip Short
Csaba/Jozsef Horvath Igor/Alexander Zaitsev
Edward/Emanuel Lasker Andrei/Sergei Zhigalko

28. In this video you can see one of the most successful table tennis players today (red shirt). But what is his name? 28A Bu Xiangzhi 28B Ni Hua 28C Wang Hao 28D Wang Yue

olympiad29. There are not many players who represented three different federations at Olympiads. From the following list of players, pick the two players who do not belong to this small group: Alexander Beliavsky, Erich Eliskases, Boris Gelfand, Mikhail Gurevich, Viktor Korchnoi, Zdenko Kozul, Ivan Sokolov.

journalism30. Chess journalism - which names belong to which media?
Leonard Barden Columnist El País
Frederic Friedel Columnist The Guardian
Leontxo Garcia Editor Chessbase (English)
Dirk Jan ten Geuzendam Editor Chessbase (Spanish)
Mark Gluhovsky Editor 64
Dirk Poldauf Editor British Chess Magazine
John Saunders Editor Chess Life Online
Jennifer Shahade Editor New in Chess Magazine
Yuri Vasiliev Editor Schach
Nadja Woisin Photographer Sport-Express

That's it! Soon we'll give the prizes to the best participants, and publish the answers. Feel free to discuss the quiz in the comments, but needless to say, no answers please!
Peter Doggers

Peter Doggers joined a chess club a month before turning 15 and still plays for it. He used to be an active tournament player and holds two IM norms. Peter has a Master of Arts degree in Dutch Language & Literature. He briefly worked at New in Chess, then as a Dutch teacher and then in a project for improving safety and security in Amsterdam schools. Between 2007 and 2013 Peter was running ChessVibes, a major source for chess news and videos acquired by in October 2013. As our Director News & Events, Peter writes many of our news reports. In the summer of 2022, The Guardian’s Leonard Barden described him as “widely regarded as the world’s best chess journalist.”

Peter's first book The Chess Revolution is out now!

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