
Okhotnik wins World Seniors

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The 21st World Senior Chess Championships, held in Opatija, Croatia from November 14th to November 27th, was won by IM Vladimir Okhotnik. The French IM finished on 9/11, half a point more than GMs Komljenovic and Timoscenko.

Final standings (top 30)

1IMOkhotnik VladimirFRA24279.
2GMKomljenovic DavorinCRO24518.
3GMTimoscenko GennadijSVK24838.
4GMVaisser AnatolyFRA25558.
5GMKurajica BojanBIH25328.
6GMCebalo MisoCRO24468.
7GMRajkovic DusanSRB24168.
8GMBalashov Yuri SRUS24438.
9GMHulak KrunoslavCRO24807.
10GMKovacevic VlatkoCRO24827.
11IMZhelnin Vladimir VRUS24307.
12GMChernikov Oleg LRUS24027.
13GMJansa VlastimilCZE24787.
14GMSuba MihaiROU24587.
15IMLeskovar MarioARG23167.
16FMMishuchkov Nikolai MRUS24187.
17IMLederman LeonISR22677.
18IMPritchett Craig WSCO23437.
19IMWittmann WalterAUT22697.
20GMRashkovsky Nukhim NRUS25177.
21 Chernov EvgenUKR23117.
22FMKelleher WilliamUSA23007.
23GMPushkov NikolaiRUS23957.
24IMDanner GeorgAUT24067.
25IMVan Riemsdijk Herman CBRA24047.
26IMKlundt KlausGER23837.
27FMTurikov ViktorRUS22707.
28IMKarasev Vladimir IRUS23777.
29IMShvedchikov Anatoli IRUS24237.
30IMFilipenko Alexander VRUS23537.


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