Fairfield County Open Speed Chess Tournament

Fairfield County Open Speed Chess Tournament

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The inaugural Fairfield County Open Speed Chess Tournament was held in the grand ballroom of the Norwalk Inn & Conference Center in Norwalk, CT on October 14, 2007. Some of the best players in the tri-state area battled for the $800 prize fund. The field included 5 masters and 4 experts.
FIDE Master James Critelli of Darien, CT tied for first and took the title through tiebreaks. This is just the latest of Critelli's stunning achievements in the chess world. The teenager is currently the highest rated 16 year old in the nation (2372).
FIDE Master Farai Mandizha a native of Zimbabwe and resident of New York City, tied for first with a total of 6 out of 7. This new face to local chess players will not soon be forgotten by the victims of his speed and precision. Mandizha was the highest rated player in the tournament (2405).
FIDE Master Rico Salimbagat of Elmhurst, NY took clear third. Salimbagat posted the only victory against Critelli. His aggressive style was good for 5 1/2 out of 7.
Local player Ian Harris (2004 CT High School Champion) and Jeff Lawrence of Monroe, CT tied for fourth.
The scholastic section was headed by expert Harry Wheeler of Easton, CT followed by Santiago Montoya of Norwalk, CT and Kurt Rubin of Wilton, CT.
Melvin Patrick, the sponsor of the event, was impressed by the strength of the competition and encouraged by the extremely positive feedback from the participants. "It looks like this could be the start of something big" said Patrick.