Announcing Chessable's 2024 Create Your Own Course Contest

Announcing Chessable's 2024 Create Your Own Course Contest

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It's time to let your inner chess author shine. We're excited to announce Chessable's 2024 Create Your Own Course contest! This is your chance to launch your own Chessable course presented by none other than 2021 Chessable Author of the Year, IM Andras Toth—and win a hefty $5,000 advance on your course sales.

Registrations are open from June 18 to October 19, so you have plenty of time to bring your ideas to life. This is your opportunity to share your knowledge and passion for the game while becoming a published Chessable author!

Who Can Submit A Course?

Any Chessable PRO member can participate in the Create Your Own Course contest. You don't need to be a chess master to teach others! 

While we all enjoy learning from the many great titled authors out there, everyone has valuable knowledge to share. Club-level players often have a fresh perspective that they can bring to the table to make their course truly unique!

In fact, neither of last year's contest winners, Benedictine and IceBreaker, are titled. Both are below 2000 FIDE and still won the overall prize with their Advanced Chess Patterns and Killer King courses—the latter already out and attracting new students every day.

Advanced Chess Patterns by Benedictine
Killer Kings by IceBreaker

The best part is that you can create a course teaching any chess topic you like. It could be your take on your favorite opening, a collection of tactics puzzles for beginners, or even a guide to basic pawn endgames you wish you had when you were just learning to play chess! Just find a concept you love and would like to teach and start building your course! 

Why Should You Participate?

There are many reasons to participate in this year's Create Your Own Course contest. 

Many of our members have expressed that they learned a lot from the feedback they received from experts and other members. Chessable's community is a passionate bunch, and they're always willing to help a fellow author.

Creating a course is also the best way to improve your own game! It's a well-known fact that teaching others is the best way to internalize and retain information. By creating your own course, you'll gain deeper insight into the topic that you've chosen to teach. 

Finally, there's nothing more rewarding than seeing your final product published! In addition to the financial benefits of publishing a course, you'll also feel the satisfaction of knowing you've impacted other people's chess journeys! And it doesn't hurt that you'll be able to tell everyone that you're a published author the next time you go to a party.

Even if you don't win the contest, this can be the push you need to become a successful Chessable author. This is what happened to our member CM Can Kabadayi. Despite not winning the contest, he's now a thriving author with multiple published courses and even won the 2022 Community Author of the Year award.

CM Can Kabadayi Chessable

What Are The Prizes?

Same as last year, we'll reward English, Spanish, and German submissions. Each winner will see their course presented by one of Chessable's expert authors and also win an advance on their course sales. You can learn more about the prizes for each language below:




* Cash prizes are an advance on course sales.

How To Participate

Creating a Chessable course is easy, and any PRO member can do it. Check out this guide to learn how to publish and sell your own course. You'll automatically participate in the contest by completing the steps in this guide and submitting your course as a PRO member.

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