100 Years Of Botvinnik Festival

100 Years Of Botvinnik Festival

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botvinnik 100 festival cropped.jpgThe celebrations to mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Botvinnik continue in Russia.

A chess festival in St. Petersburg entitled "100 Years of Mikhail Botvinnik" featured a 9 round Swiss open competition which was won by Denis Krismatullin on tie-break score from half a dozen other players who finished on 7/9.

The Swiss tournament had nearly 100 players and a prize fund of 1 million roubles (approx 35,000 USD).

The top finishers:

 Name Nat Elo Pts TB1
 Khismatullin, Denis RUS 2656 7.0 54.0
 Aleksandrov, Aleksej BLR 2609 7.0 53.5
 Ponkratov, Pavel RUS 2593 7.0 53.0
 Dvoirys, Semen I. RUS 2554 7.0 52.0
 Geller, Jakov RUS 2535 7.0 49.5
 Yakovich, Yuri RUS 2539 7.0 49.0
 Neverov, Valeriy UKR 2500 7.0 45.0
 Maletin, Pavel RUS 2575 6.5 54.0
 Zvjaginsev, Vadim RUS 2659 6.5 53.0
 Epishin, Vladimir RUS 2553 6.5 49.0
 Baryshpolets, Andrey UKR 2474 6.5 49.0
 Yevseev, Denis RUS 2527 6.5 48.5
 Kuzubov, Yuriy UKR 2630 6.5 48.0
 Popov, Valerij RUS 2550 6.5 45.0
 Lintchevski, Daniil RUS 2553 6.5 43.5

The winner, Denis Khrismatullin






However, the event apparently also saw a case of computer-assisted cheating from a lower-ranked player.  After 6 rounds a player called Sergey Klimentiev was doing remarkably well for a player rated just 1698, with a score of 4/6.

Thereafter, according to various reports 42-year-old Klimentiev (pictured below) was placed under greater attention, and had his briefcase and pen taken from him.  He lost all three of his remaining games to finish on 4/9.

Cheating? Sergey Klimentiev

Sergey Klimentiev.jpg








Photos from the official website.  More round by round photo reports can be found here.

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