
⚝My age: ??

Gender: Non-binary 

Zodiac: Taurus 

Hobbies: Studying lepidopterology (the study of scaly wings[moths and butterflies]) and reading

Sexuality: Pansexual 

My friend: @mangolovesme01 (We also know each other in real life)

Favorite Color: Beige and light green

Favorite Food: Rice cake

Favorite Desert: Mochi

Favorite Books: The Maze Runner, The Scorch Trial, and I haven't finished the third book (The Death Cure) yet but so far so good! They're all by James Dashner 

Favorite Animal: If you count insects, moths and butterflies, if not, all reptiles 

I have a friend who has a scrunchie named Pinky, inspired by mine, named Inky. 

Pronouns: Ze/Hir/Hirs/Hirself

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