ბრილიანტის წევრი

A  boy who loves chess and space

Sai Ritvik Arvapalli (

Black Hole chess - YouTube my yt channel

My goals by 2025
live 2200
blitz 2000
bullet 2000
 coachesreaching a FIDE and DWZ rating of 1800
winning tournaments  35+ 
openings perfecting the pirc kings gambit and more

Chess music - YouTube my chess playlist

my best game
Member of the Düsseldorfer Schachklub 1914/25 e.V.

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Challenge me to a game



კლუბები Beta Beta 5 214 წევრი
The United Chess Nations
The United Chess Nations 8 137 წევრი
Club Admins
Club Admins 6 848 წევრი Community Community 62 881 წევრი
The Chess Knight Riders
The Chess Knight Riders 881 წევრი