
🌨️🌨️🌨️ started 13 Apr 2024, staying strong =)

Hi, I'm The Naerie! Here in, some people may call me Naerie. In other games...I'm Player, nice to meet you. There's nothing much about me that I can talk about *sigh*. One thing that I can tell you is that I want to complete my passport here in I want to play against people from EVERY. SINGLE. COUNTRY. POSSIBLE. So, hey, if you are from a country I haven't played against, I challenge you to a match! 🚨


My club, CHESSclub

We're a club that just started small but we're looking to make it BIG! Do join and invite others as well!

My blog, The Naerie❄️

I'll be posting on Tuesday for every 2 weeks, Pacific Time +8:00! So look out for any new blogs each week!

Hey...Let's be friends!


Goal: 420 ELO by August (end of)

          550 ELO by September (sort of a busy period tho...we'll just have to see)

Team Singapore
Team Singapore 3,460 सदस्य
CHESSclub 53 सदस्य vs. ChessKid vs. ChessKid 2,725 सदस्य
The Cat Appreciation Society
The Cat Appreciation Society 3,323 सदस्य
BlogChamps 449 सदस्य