Locate the 5 Stars within the Pie and you shall be rewarded 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286...
САЙТ http://shahmatkanal.com ТЕЛЕГРАМ http://t.me/shahmatkanal ЮТУБ http://youtube.com/shahmatkanaltv ТВИЧ http://twitch.tv/shahmatkanal ВК...
If you are interested in training with me, https://lichess.org/coach/nmcrazyim5
Hi everyone! I´ m a 35 year-old Fide Master from Argentina. I´ ve been playing chess for 28 years now, and have roughly 15 years of...
My name is Sherif Khater a national master from USA. Lessons available now and game analysis to players looking forward to improving....
Hi ! I am an Opera Singer, specialized in spinto tenor repertoire. I used to play chess professionally till 15 years old (peak fide...
Hello! My name is Artem Chernobay. I am 31. in 2011, I was awarded the title of international grandmaster. My Fide ELO of 2490. I...