
Ppl come to u when they need u, when they have finished using u, they will leave u again. U’ll be useless for them. They js use u as a tool.
Don’t trust anyone. All lies. Trust urself. 
Full of wounds..painfull....alone....

Y? I lost everyone....regretted i can crush u..i dont wanna get into a rls, i js like this crushing moment....n now? U r telling me to not text u? I lost everyone hahahaha n now u too? Ok, then js leave ig.... i'm used to being alone anyways.
I don’t play matches. I played for someone special before, but now, iz gone, there’s no need anymore.

I've lost interest on everything...leave a note or not..idc...

I’m tired, so js let me slowly fall asleep.

夜裡做了美麗的恶夢 想清醒我卻抵不過心動 夢裡你是無底的黑洞 我無力抗拒失重
我的意識自控脈搏流動 全被你神秘引力操控 親愛的你是危險的迷宫 我找不到出口
You took my heart away, away, away, away My head is blown away, away, away, away 你就是傳說來自天堂的魔鬼
You should take my heart away, away, away, away, away, away, away
拜託別對我細心問候 這是你也不察覺的陰謀 我討厭你無心的微笑 我快無可救藥
你像一個漩渦慢慢讓我 無法抽離一直地墜落 親愛的你是優雅的惡魔 一點一點把我吞沒
You took my heart away, away, away, away My head is blown away, away, away, away 你就是傳說來自天堂的魔鬼
You should take my heart away, away, away, away, away, away, away
如果你是蛇的誘惑你存心迷惑我才能軟弱 但你是牛顿頭上那顆若無其事的蘋果
You took my heart away, away, away, away You took my heart away, away, away, away You took my heart away, away, away, away My head is blown away, away, away, away
You should take my heart away, away, away, away, away, away, away

阳光下的泡沫 是彩色的

就像被骗的我 是幸福的

追究什么对错 你的谎言


美丽的泡沫 虽然一刹花火

你所有承诺 虽然都太脆弱

但爱像泡沫 如果能够看破


早该知道泡沫 一触就破

就像已伤的心 不胜折磨

也不是谁的错 谎言再多


美丽的泡沫 虽然一刹花火

你所有承诺 虽然都太脆弱

爱本是泡沫 如果能够看破


再美的花朵 盛开过就凋落

再亮眼的星 一闪过就堕落

爱本是泡沫 如果能够看破


为什么难过 有什么难过


全都是泡沫 只一刹的花火

你所有承诺 全部都太脆弱

而你的轮廓 怪我没有看破


相爱的把握 要如何再搜索

相拥着寂寞 难道就不寂寞

爱本是泡沫 怪我没有看破


在雨下的泡沫 一触就破

当初炽热的心 早已沉没

说什么你爱我 如果骗我

我宁愿你沉默無處可逃 無枝可靠
