www.chess.com/puzzles/battle/2wcQxfFa6 65 in 3 min battle, 1/7/2025
Maestro Internacional desde 2012, ELO FIDE: 2480 (1-11-2020). Disponible para clases y entrenamiento. Contacto: [email protected]
Born in Saint-Petersburg, live in London. During my career I won plenty of open tournaments (Gibraltar, Grenke, Russian Higher...
Hello everyone! I am Robby Kevlishvili, a 23-year-old Dutch Grandmaster with Georgian roots. As a junior, I have participated in many...
Short "bio": Fide Master, Breaking Bad Fan, Squash Player, Drop Variants Gamer (team "House"), Music lover & more
International Grandmaster with a very popular chess blog (www.alexcolovic.com), full of useful insights and analyses of the game from...
Contact: [email protected] www.rafaelleitao.com Visit my website!
Facebook : Bayasgalan Khishigbaatar Instagram: bayasgalan_0501
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