Well, I like Birds, and I like Chess.
I am a rapid Player
By the book… I just took the Chess Personality quiz, and I got professor! 👩🏫 Discover yours at: https://www.chesspersonality.com/professor
Check out my best blog - https://www.chess.com/blog/BirdLikeChess/a-surprising-strategy-the-bird-opening-in-depth-2-0
Check out my entire blog! : https://www.chess.com/blog/BirdLikeChess
Check out my favorite song as well! - https://youtu.be/ip9OCffEkUE?feature=shared
Check out my best game!
Here is another brilliant move WIN! My other best game!
There was a fourth brilliant move, but I lost again 😔
My Favorite Quote: " A bird sitting in a tree is never afraid of the branch breaking because its trust is not on the branch but its wings. - Always believe in yourself, - Charlie Wardle