Think you’ve got what it takes to become a chess street fighter? I’m Martin Istvanovszki, FIDE Master,...
The best-reviewed lichess coach with 100+ reviews, 13000+ hours worth of experience of private teaching during the last 6 years, and...
Hello everyone ! Here's my Youtube channel: Instagram: Twitter:...
Greetings to all. Yes, I am a very content senior citizen and thankful for the many joys past and present in my life (including chess)....
Тренер по шахматам. Провожу индивидуальные занятия по скайпу и zoom, на русском языке.Возможны как регулярные занятия, так и периодическое...
Reach out to me at [email protected] for coaching services.
GM Daniel Naroditsky was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area. He currently resides in Charlotte, NC, where he is resident...