Leia maleklubi

Chess tournaments every Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday. "Unleash Your Inner Grandmaster!" Join the GDC Doda Chess Club—where strategy meet...
Chess University - United Arab Emirates
Chess University Affiliate Club for residents of United Arab Emirates who wish to improve at chess. This club serves to help the local chess commun...
1 568
Open Discussion
Applicants must confirm the following when applying to join this club: you are 16 years of age or older your account has been open for at least 3...
Let s Be Fair
Hello ! We invite you to participate in our LBF team, a small team that has worked to reach the world TOP10 in ten years ! We are currently fightin...
Fruzsi's Magyar Tigers
Welcome! This group was made for szefru's Twitch community, and here we will have tournaments, play chess together, and do other fun stuff! I will ...
1 289
Team Brazil Live
Tabelas de Classificação LCWL Open LCWL Chess960 LCWL U1600   Team Brazil Live é o clube que representa o Brasil nas competições ao vivo, e...
2 541
Master Brain Chess Club 1
Chess Training 
Les foudres de Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes
Club officiel de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes dans le championnat de France organisé par la LFR - Ligue Française des ...
Chess Los Pinos
Bienvenidos a Chess Los Pinos  ♟ 🌲  Un club creado para que nuestra comunidad educativa disfrute del ajedrez.  
Upstate New York Chess Club
Welcome to the Upstate New York Chess Club. I hope this will be a useful spot to find games with fellow Upstaters and information about chess in ou...
2 018
Team Galicia
Team Galicia representa a Galicia na World League, a European League e a World League de Xadrez 960.  Todo o mundo é benvido con v&ia...
1 178
Tournoi Sultan
Venez participer au grand tournoi du BDS Sultan avec à la clé un joli lot 🤫
Welcome to the KingdomOfChess community!!! We have a limited time offer-Free Promotion to anyone who joins. Join us now!
Team Iceland
This group is for icelandic players. A target for this group is also to representing Iceland in the Live Chess World League, World League and Euro...
2 246
Turnieje szachowe dla dzieci
U3A Chess Club
U3A CHESS CLUB For University of the 3rd Age members - learners, improvers or experts.
The Queen's Arena
Welcome to The Queen's Arena Club !!! A friendly chess club where everyone is welcome, from beginners to seasoned players. Whether you’re h...
Team Syria
Team Syria: The official representative of the World League Championship and The Arab League Championship.  Are you interested in learning h...
6 408
Fortaleza Chess
🌟Você é apaixonado por xadrez? Junte-se a nós!   
Team Mongolia
Зуун зууныг өртөөлөн дамжиж дэлхийн дайдыг морин туурайгаараа тамгалсан Монгол туургатан таны энэ өдрийн амар амгаланг айлтгая! This is the grou...
4 790
шахматен  супер клуб
Asian Chess Masters
Hi. Asian Chess Masters is a family that any Asian Country player can join. Here is your personal invitation to join Asian Chess Masters.  We parti...
2 696
Chess.com - Arabic
Chess.com - Arabic النادي الرسمي للشطرنج العربي Contact Support | Become Premium!        
10 564