
Learn The Scandinavian Defense

Learn The Scandinavian Defense

How can Black fight for the initiative against 1.e4 starting from the very first move?

Aggressive players often meet 1.e4 with d5 and enter the Scandinavian Defense. Black frequently brings the queen out early and White hopes to demonstrate that the queen is subject to attack.

  • Learn the main lines and key ideas for both sides.
  • Practice common tactical ideas in the Scandinavian Defense.
  • Learn from a brilliant model game, played by GM Esteban Canal.

Learn The Scandinavian Defense

Learn the main lines and key ideas for both sides in the Scandinavian Defense.
24 min
10 desafíos

Learn The Scandinavian Defense: Thematic Tactics

Practice common tactical ideas in the Scandinavian Defense.
10 desafíos

Learn The Scandinavian Defense: Model Game

Find the moves in an amazing game by GM Esteban Canal from a simultaneous exhibition n 1934.
1 desafío

Learn The Scandinavian Defense

3 lecciones
24 minutos
21 desafíos
Fecha de publicación: 9/23/2022