Hey, it's me! One of the humans on this planet!
Please don't friend me for nothing 🙃
So.... Welcome to thee bio of mine and hope you enjoy it!
Oh yeah, almost forgot, take this for the journey 🍿
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Learn to appreciate the little things
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What if... everything you are going through is preparing you for what you asked for?
God is bigger than what is making you anxious
You are pretty and so worthy don't let anyone treat you less.
Stress comes from trying to do it all on our own. Peace comes from putting it all in God's hands.
Wrong Is Wrong even if everyone is doing it.
Right Is Right even if no one is doing it. |
Things I want you to know
- If no one is being what you need, then be what you need.
- God's timing is good so if you are in the waiting season, don't rush it or you'll ruin it.
- What do you see in the word impossible ... the word possible Once you say prideful words, you can never unsay them, and they can cause a lot of hurt to others.
- Everything somehow, someway will work together for the good. Romans 8:28
- Do not do something if your intentions are wrong.
- If there was no evil in the world, if there were no bad things, hurt, and problems in the world, then we wouldn't need God.
- Just because they're thoughts in your head doesn't make it true, just because you have certain emotions doesn't mean those emotions have to define you. Challenge it and keep fighting.
What the enemy sends after you shows what's in you.
That's why you've been going through so much hell.
Because hell is nervous about you reaching your destiny.
He doesn't want you to get to that level of confidence.
The journey is not easy BUT the destination is easy.
You'll never look into the eyes of someone that isn't loved by God.
Really think about that.
So, when you speak,
when you react,
think about how much God loves them
and love them the same.
•Waking up early
•Time for loved ones
If you don't set your goals, know your goals, want your goals,
you're not gunna go anywhere.
So know your goals and why those goals, maybe even write them down,
and begin the journey.
(the goals I put above are just little goals... find BIG ones :0)
Here's the link to my book club incase you humans wanna join! https://www.chess.com/club/young-readers
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
John 3:16
A bit about me
I change my bio once in a thousand years...
"Today is Mine. Tomorrow is none of my business. If I peer anxiously into the fog of the future,
I will strain my spiritual eyes so that I will not see clearly what is required of me NOW."
- Elisabeth Elliot -
"Be a reflection of what you would like to see in others. If you want love, give love. If you want honesty, give honesty. If you want respect, give respect. You get in return what you give."
- Anonymous -
( Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them,
for this is the Law and the Prophets. Matthew 7:12 )
“Honesty and transparency make you vulnerable. Be honest and transparent anyway.”
- Mother Teresa -
"We don't appreciate what we have until it's gone. Freedom is like that. It's like air. When you have it, you don't notice it."
- Boris Yeltsin -
"What you fear the most often reveals where you trust God the least. Put your faith in God and watch as He starts to eliminate your fears."
- idk -
My thoughts...
I should live in a yarn store
Time is a gift because
Time = Life
Therefore to waste time is to waste life
If you want brutal honesty I think greatest option is asking kids :0
Found on Pinterest
Hey! If you need someone to talk to, I am here!
... It doesn't only mean that ...
I like potaytoes
Being a spirit filled believer IS THE KEY TO A LIFE OF FREEDOM AND PURPOSE - cia
I want you to know that God loves you
Practice the pause.
When in doubt, pause.
When angry, pause.
When tired, pause.
When stressed, pause.
And when you pause,
Thank you for reading me bio!!
Last updated: Feb. 2, 2025