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The Power Of Nepalese Chess
A team where all Nepalese chess players come together and play chess. Team of aggressive and active players. A friendly, open minded and respectful...
Chess Dream Team
We have the honor and the pleasure to invite YOU to CHESS DREAM TEAM, a welcoming club, which stands out for its many activities and great dist...
Stowarzyszenie Szachistów Cebularz Lublin
Klub jest dostępny TYLKO dla członków SSz Cebularz Lublin.
Torneios - Cursos GM Krikor
Clube de torneios semanais dos cursos do GM Krikor. Ao pedir pra entrar confirme seu número no grupo do Whats para um melhor controle.
The TopGifter Hilddea's  Clubhouse ツ
Congratulation you have been chosen to be our member of The TopGifter Hilddea's Clubhouse ツ COME AND JOIN US !! You want to get membership...
Silk Play Club
გამოაგზავნეთ მოთხოვნა და დაგიდასტურებთ
Pon Farr Knight Club
If you have that uncontrollable urge to mate someone, this is Pon Farr. Here is the place to demonstrate your fancy mating skills,with the best t...
Let's Castle
Enter the captivating realm of chess with Lets Castle, a vibrant and welcoming club where fun, friendship, and healthy competition thrive! Particip...
Join the banana-loving cat and our 600+ member community for a once in a lifetime journey!
618 Bloggers Club
  This is the club for all things blogging, whether it might be questions, showing off your new box office release, or just chatting, this i...
Croatian Team
Dobrodošli u Croatian Team! Ovo je klub koja okuplja hrvatske šahiste i šahistice na platformi. Naš tim ponosno sudjeluje u prestižnim n...
República Portuguesa
Bem-vindo ao nosso clube de xadrez, onde estratégia se encontra com diversão em cada movimento! Seja você um mestre experiente ...
Trump's Party of Patriots
'Trump's Party of Patriots' is a proud group of America First patriots who love freedom!  We respect people such as Donald J. Trump & Elon...
Team Wales-Cymru
Welcome to Team Wales! This is the group representing Wales in the World League and European League. In order to join this club you wil...
Christmas Club Giveaway Two
Christmastime is almost here....and that means: a club giveaway from CVC!
Adriana Nikolova FANCLUB
Welcome to the group ♥ Adriana Nikolova ♥ FANCLUB. WGM Adriana Nikolova currently has a rating of 2308. She started playing chess when she was 4 ye...
alpin3_11's Elevation Club
Exactly what it sounds like, a place of elevation! For actual chess-related things, we play vote chess, the occasional daily match, bullet, and hav...
Team Michigan
Team Michigan exists as the official state team in the US Team Chess League to compete in league daily matches here on As a USTCL team,...
Lile Koridze fan club
Hello everyone,welcome in my fan club  Here you will be able to play in tournaments which I will create.  Watch me in live:
T. A. Admin
This is a select group of 🇦🇺 Team Australia 🇦🇺 members who are willing to help manage the greatest world league team! This club is for administrato...
Privileged paid DCA members club
DAKSHINAMOORTHY CHESS ACADEMY (DCA) has opened this club only for its paid members to conduct two online tournaments daily.  The entry to the tourn...