Sou Mestre Nacional, Arena Grand Master e FIDE Trainer (treinador de xadrez desde 2001). Trabalho como jornalista de chessbase espanhol. Instagram:...
15$ por hora, paquete de 20 horas 10$ la hora. Hola mi nombre es Kemel Antonio Gallo Garcia y juego ajedrez desde los 6 años....
Player for the NY Marshalls 2021-2022 NYS Blitz Champion 1.5/8 vs Hikaru Formerly Named: @1d31-0, @Ninjago_Master, @MightyMongoose2000
Please contact me at [email protected] or by whatsapp at +16476575131
Hi, This is vedant goswami from India. I am a FIDE Master and a FIDE Trainer. I am training since last 25 years and also in 2022 was...