"Young people have time to succeed, combine, attack, look for beauty, it is the privilege of talented young people. The poise of the...
“Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard.” For lessons: [email protected] Course: https://www.chessable.com/la-logica-de-los-finales/course/115553/ 8...
Hello. I'm Ana Kuchava, from Georgia. I'm 28 years old. I have 18 years of chess experience and 8 years of coaching experience. My...
Hello, I'm GM Stopa. 👋 I coach students 1200-2200 FIDE, $130 per hour. Contact me at +48 723392395, or [email protected].
Hello! If you are native English-speaking lessons are free. Why? My English is very 😶 I want to study English, and you want to study...
Mi nombre es Luis Antúnez Soler. He impartido clases y cursos online en diferentes Academias de Latinoamérica para la...
Привет, я Тарон Шагбазян. Мне 29 лет, я Мастер ФИДЕ и ожидаю присвоения звания международного мастера. Мой актуальный рейтинг - 2417....