
Learn The Benko Gambit

Learn The Benko Gambit

How can Black fight for the initiative against 1.d4? Try the Benko Gambit!

The Benko Gambit is a rare gambit where one side has enough positional compensation to safely play down material for many moves. Learn the key strategic ideas and tactical patterns for both sides.

  • Practice common tactical ideas.
  • Find the moves in a model game for the white side.

Learn The Benko Gambit

Learn the key ideas for both sides in the sharp Benko Gambit.
29 মিনিট
10 টি চ্যালেঞ্জ

Learn The Benko Gambit: Thematic Tactics

Practice essential tactical ideas in the Benko Gambit.
10 টি চ্যালেঞ্জ

Learn The Benko Gambit: Model Game

Find the moves in a Benko Gambit battle between NM Jeremy Kane and FM Paulo Del Mundo.
১ টি চ্যালেঞ্জ

Learn The Benko Gambit

শুরুর খেলা
৩ পাঠ
২৯ মিনিট
২১ চ্যালেঞ্জ
প্রকাশিত 8/16/2022