Currently work as a community manager for India. I have a GM norm and an IM norm. Became a FIDE Trainer recently. Coached...
안녕하세요 체스인사이드입니다 현재 체스닷컴에서 한국어 부문 이사로 근무하며 한국 체스 발전을 위해 다양한 일들을 하고 있습니다. 아래 채널들도 함께 운영하고 있습니다! 유튜브(Youtube) : 트위치(Twitch):...
Pedro Pinhata is the Writing Lead for He writes articles, feature announcements, event pages, and more. He has been playing...
Hello everyone! My name is GM Raunak Sadhwani my fide rating is 2645. I have been playing chess for more than 10 years and i have...
Hey, there! I might be the only chess master and streamer in commercial aviation =) So come check out my stream. Opa! Ao vivo todos...
이메일: [email protected] 유튜브: 치지직: Chess덕후 채널 - CHZZK (
Sur ma chaîne Twitch on s'entraîne et on s'entraide aux Échecs dans la bonne humeur au son de musiques motivantes! Exercices tactiques,...