Дыяментавы карыстач Community Streamer

Working hard and trying to get a title. Next time you look at my ratings...they'll be higher (drop a follow, I'd really appreciate it)
My improvement goals
2350 Rapid
2600 Blitz 
2600 Bullet
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Croissant and Friends
Croissant and Friends 224 карыстальніка
The United Chess Nations
The United Chess Nations 8 137 карыстальнікаў
The Ge-Winner
The Ge-Winner 1 094 карыстальніка
The Chess Demolishers
The Chess Demolishers 247 карыстальнікаў
Secret International Club
Secret International Club 116 карыстальнікаў